Situational analyses (through expert meetings and research) have been carried out in order to collect practical knowledge about the state of the art on family based care in the partner countries. These provided input for the drafting of country reports. Every country report contains a SWOT analysis, recommendations and actions plans. The recommendations are focused on the next steps to take in order to reach a sustainable system. You can find the reports below under “Reports and publications”.
Every report addresses the following subjects:
- Developments since the first ALFACA project
- State of the art on family based care
- Current national context
- SWOT Analysis
- Good practices
- Possible difficulties
- Practices to be developed
- Recommendations for further development of family based care
- Action plan for sustainable family based care
- How the findings will be disseminated in the respective country
- Appendix about the Alfaca training
The country reports can be found below: