
Very few unaccompanied minors enter and apply for asylum in Latvia. The State Border Guard provides accommodation in facilities for asylum seekers. During the asylum procedure of an unaccompanied minor he/she shall be represented by the Orphan’s Court, a guardian appointed thereby or the head of a child care institution. Although volunteers can function as guardians in Latvia, it is difficult in practise for the Orphan’s Court to find people who are willing to do so which causes that court itself acts as the legal guardian in most cases. In some cases the Orphan’s Court appoints a relative of the child as its legal guardian.

Advise for guardians
Guardians in another EU Member States who assist an unaccompanied minor with a relative or family member in Latvia in a Dublin case are advised to contact the State Border Guard since they have an overall view of the situation of unaccompanied minors and know best whom to refer to with questions regarding an individual situation.

State Border Guard
Central Board
Rudolfa 5, LV 1012
Tel: 00371.67075617
Fax: 00371.67075600
Email: kanceleja@rs.gov.lv