When an unaccompanied minor is transferred from another European Member State to Belgium on the basis of the Dublin Regulation, the guardian cannot transfer relevant information to the receiving guardian. The reason for this is that a guardian will be appointed to the minor only after his or her arrival in Belgium.
However, the Guardianship Service advises to send an them an e-mail, sharing the contact details of the guardian in the sending country. The Guardianship Service is willing to communicate this information to the guardian that will be assigned. The Guardianship Service has stated that it is also possible to transfer specific relevant information to them, but only in case there is a consent from the unaccompanied minor to send this information.
Dienst Voogdij (Guardianship Service)
Waterloolaan 115
1000 Brussel
Tel: 0032.78.154324
Fax: 0032.25427083
Email: voogdij@just.fgov.be
Organizations that practice guardianship:
Caritas International
Liefdadigheidsstraat 43
1210 Brussel
Tel: 0032.2.2293611
Fax: 0032.2.2293636
Email: info@caritasint.be
Flemish Red Cross
Motstraat 40
2800 Mechelen
Tel: 0032.15.443322
Fax: 0032.15.443311
Email: info@rodekruis.be